Student Chair's Message

To Santa Clara Valley math teachers:

My name is Matthew Hase-Liu and I am the new student chairman of the SCVMA board. 

As the student chair, one of my primary goals will be encouraging more students in the Santa Clara Valley to actively participate in math contests. To do so, I would love to support students in this area in starting up math clubs at their schools. Of course, many schools already have functioning math clubs, and if your school does have one, I would greatly appreciate it if you could please send me your math club president’s name and email address. I can be contacted at .

The first step into the vast world that is math competitions is perhaps the CAML (California Mathematics League). This statewide math contest is held a total of six times during the school year, with each round consisting of six short answer word problems to complete in 30 minutes. The CAML problems are fun and doable for all levels. Click here for sample CAML problems. As part of the national Math League, the CAML is dedicated to bringing challenging mathematics material to students. 

The SCVMA also hosts two very important contests: Math Field Day and the Senior Olympiad. I highly encourage all schools in the Santa Clara Valley to partake in these fun math competitions.

We would love to hear from all of the highly motivated math students in this area and help start and guide your math clubs, so please email me with a couple of student names, who are enthusiastic about math, along with their emails or ask them to email me directly.


Matthew Hase-Liu